Saturday 3 September 2011

Moving house... the pain

Here we are again, I swear that I move house more often than is

a) Normal
b) Recommended
c) Necessary

But nevertheless, the last one and half hours has been spent on my knees inhaling oven cleaner fumes and developing the headache I now have... for perspective, at times like these cleaning the oven is a break from the other things you've been doing for the last 4567 days (seemingly): packing...

No matter how good I think I could be at packing, at the tail end of it you are always left standing in a almost empty room (yet somehow surround by piles of junk) holding an ornamental egg cup and wondering which box this belongs in, before coming to the inevitable conclusion that it belongs in "any god damn box, I don't care anymore"

This along side an ever increasing urge to just dump everything.

In fact, this (dumping everything) was the approach I though i took this time, I've driven 3 full car loads to the dump, and 2 full car loads to charity shops, I though "I'm not going to take anything with me, I'm just going to start again"

And yet SOME HOW... those "very few ultimately essential things", apparnatly have taken me days to pack, and occupy the entire floor space of the kitchen

God my head hurts... right

The point is... that this is all in aid of the ultimate adventure, and that it's all going ot be worth it...

Vancouver: I am coming!